St. Matthew’s PTA (Parent Teachers Association) are a strong, enthusiastic, hard-working team of parents and teachers of St. Matthew’s Primary School who give up a little of their time during the school year to help us fundraise, to make a real difference to our children’s school life by providing events, equipment and experiences for all our children which could not be otherwise be provided from the normal school budget.
What We Do:
The PTA organise various fundraising and social events throughout the school year which raise much-needed funds for the school. They also help with charitable work and assist at a variety of school events, some of them also give up their time and are invaluable school volunteers.
They provide facilities or equipment which support the school and therefore advance the education of the children.
Assist with financial support for school trips and other special events.
How they have already helped us at St. Matthew’s P.S
Over recent years their fundraising has provided:
- Coaches/minibuses to events
- Spanish lessons for all pupils P1-P7
- Oxford Reading Tree reading books for P1-P4
- New Maths scheme of work from P1-P7
- School Hoodies
Where and When Do We Meet:
The PTA meet usually meet up in school two or three times per term to plan and organise events.
Meetings are very informal and last about an hour.
How Can You Become Involved:
PTA are always seeking new parents. If you would like to make a difference for your child at St. Matthew’s P.S and can provide us with some of your spare time, we warmly invite you to join our PTA. Please get in touch withus.
St Matthew's Primary School, Drumsurn 296 Drumsurn Rd, Limavady BT49 0PX Phone: 028 77 763887